Grace & Deepika

Sixth Form

In this engaging conversation, Deepika and Grace, both outgoing heads of school at Kingsley, share their reflections on their time as students and leaders. As they near the completion of their A-levels, they talk about their increased motivation and the hard work they've put in, hopeful for good results in the summer.

Grace, who joined the sixth form as a day pupil, praises the welcoming atmosphere and the excellent one-on-one support from teachers, which helped her transition from GCSE to A-level studies.

Deepika, who has been at the school longer and joined from Saudi Arabia as a boarder, describes her positive boarding experience and the responsibilities she embraced as head of the girls' boarding house.

They both discuss their roles in improving the boarding house environment, including working with the food committee to cater to diverse dietary needs. As they look forward to future endeavors, including Deepika's plans to study law in Bahrain, they reflect on the close-knit community at Kingsley and the importance of authenticity and engagement for new students considering joining the school.