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Gymnastics Scholarships

Scholarship Application Form

Apply if you have regularly taken attended gymnastics training, either inside or outside of your current school. You will also have already competed in a local, regional, national or international competition.

As a successful applicant, you will have been able to demonstrate progress and aptitude, and will be supported by a reference from your current gymnastics coach or club.

Kinsgley Life Our Stories MaddieScholarship details:

  • First-class training and instruction from our gymnastics coach at Kingsley School;
  • Access to our sports nutrition programme designed for Kingsley by a doctoral research team at the University of Exeter;
  • Individualised training programme focusing on the acquisition and development of skills, S&C, and prehab-rehab;
  • You will compete for the school in local, national and international competitions;
  • You will provide mentoring and coaching support to younger students, and students of lower grades;
  • You will promote the benefits and the discipline gained from elite sport throughout the school;
  • You will always strive towards achieving your next goal.